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by approximately 4.4 million. In 2010 74

by approximately 4.4 million. In 2010 74

Lately, my son and I have begun med vindstød på 80 eller 90 kilometer i timen i første omgang spelling and speaking in code around our two dogs, Achilles and Honey, because they understand every word we're saying. Growing up our family used to do the same thing in front of my little sister. Of course that's not to say that my sister is a dog but in our home our pets are definitely furry people   and very much loved members of the family.
The most recent Canadian stats indicate that 33% of households have at least one dog and that pet dogs outnumber children (below 14 yrs.) by approximately 4.4 million. In 2010, a survey in the United States showed that pet dogs outnumbered children by 5 million   43 million to 38 million respectively.
Global Industry Analysts (GIA) announced that by 2015 "the world market for pet accessories products is projected to reach $17.2 billion by the year 2015." GIA attributes the astronomical amount to "rising income levels, increasing numbers of nuclear households, growth in pet ownership, and increasing humanization of pets are major factors driving growth in the global pet accessories market."
Yes it's true. I haven't just humanized my pets they've become the daughter and second son that I always wanted. And you've probably done it too. Admit it. You love to spoil your furbaby.
Dressed your furbaby in a herringbone coat or any other latest fashion;
Purchased colourful, cute diapers for your accident prone furbaby;
Made a cozy spot on your bed for your furbaby;
Spent more on your furbaby's grooming then you do on your own personal care;
Created a Facebook or Twitter account for your furbaby;
Organized play dates, birthday parties and wrapped presents for your furbaby;
Forked out for pet daycare for your furbaby;
Booked vacation or lieu days to take your furbaby to the doctors or a grooming appointment;
Fed your furbaby the best part of your T bone steak or baked them special treats;
Assigned your furbaby human names like Allan, Richard, Joanne or Miranda;
Wrapped your furbaby in a receiving blanket and rocked it like a newborn;
then you have humanized your pet.
So what's the downside of splurging on our furbabies? It makes us feel good after all.
According to the experts there are plenty I februar 2014 of downsides. Aside from burning a hole through your wallet the major considerations are the needs of the dog especially Les det som om du ser det For studien in consideration of their desire to be led by the alfa dog and the risk of passing on our unhealthy diets and health risks associated with it to our beloved furbabies.
Dogs are master manipulators. It doesn't take long for your furbaby to figure out that all it takes is a cute little tap of their und Buster Posey traf auch einen Slam Sonntag paw and an upturned sweet face, their puppy dog eyes wide and innocent, to coax you to hand feed half of your supper or that a well timed long sigh makes you scooch over to the very end of the mattress so that your beloved is more comfy  even if they are only 7lbs! A dog's instinct is to be a part of the pack. When he lives with humans they become his pack. If you're not going to lead then your furbaby will.
Perhaps the greatest caution is sharing our bad habits, especially diets, with our pets. Like humans, obesity among dogs is on the rise. Directly related to canine obesity is diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure and heart and respiratory diseases. Definitely something to think about before you continue to share your cupcakes and Cheetos with your dog.
When we live so closely with our pets certainly some of our human tendencies will be passed on. But so can the tendencies of our furbabies rub off on us and that can be a good thing. Go outside and play, take more time to enjoy a tummy rub and jump for joy when someone you love comes home.
"Dogs are our link to paradise. They don't know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring it was peace." Milan Kundera
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