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A 40-year-old policeman was killed at around 15:00 hours yesterday, after a pickup he was travelling in careened into a canal near Pearl, East Bank Demerara, after being struck by a car.Dead Corporal of Police Sharyn Denny and his reputed wife Samantha Bovell in happier times. Sharyn Denny, of Lot 70 Haley Street was pronounced dead on arrival at the Diamond Diagnostic Centre.Reports are that Denny, along with his close friend, Patrick De Fraitas, Michael White and another man identified as ‘Ziggy’ were heading up the Soesdyke/Linden Highway when tragedy struck.One eyewitness told this newspaper that the Toyota Tacoma was approaching a bridge at Pearl East Bank Demerara when a car, PKK 4015, attempted to overtake them on the bridge.Reports are that the driver of the car, who was speeding, clipped the back of the Tacoma sending it careening over a culvert and into a nearby canal.The driver of the car has since been identified as ‘Ray’. The man, and a female passenger both escaped with minor injuries.Patrick De Fraitas, who was driving the Tacoma, said that he, along with Denny, White and ‘Ziggy’ were heading to Timehri when misfortune struck.The distraught man said he was driving at a normal rate when he felt an impact at the back of the vehicle and the next thing he knew was his vehicle was sent flying and toppling into a canal. He said when he looked over at Denny the policeman seemed to be unconscious and his face was partly submerged in water.From all reports,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, De Fraitas was in no position to render any assistance to his friend.However, shortly after, several public spirited citizens ran to the vehicle to free the occupants but by then, Denny was reportedly already dead.De Fraitas was treated at the Diamond Hospital, while White was treated and subsequently transferred to the Georgetown Public Hospital.Also there are reports that the driver of the car was under the influence of alcohol at the time of the accident. Survivor and driver of the Tacoma, Patrick De Fraitas. He has since been detained to assist with investigations.Denny who served the Guyana Police Force for more than 18 years was well known by many. As news of his death spread, scores gathered at his home to offer support to his reputed wife Samantha Bovell and his aging mother, Doris Denny.The man’s reputed wife told this newspaper that earlier in the day she contacted Denny informing him that the car she was driving needed gas and he met her at Houston where he gave her money to buy the gas. She said sometime after she received a call saying that her reputed husband was involved in an accident. She added that shortly after that first phone call another person contacted her saying she should hurry down to Pearl where the accident occurred.Bovell said when she arrived on the scene, her reputed husband was laying on the road and his entire face and head were covered with blood.The wrecked car which was involved in the accident. The grieving woman said Denny was scheduled to return yesterday to Bartica, where he is stationed. However, he had requested time off to secure a bank loan in order to renovate his house in Sophia. She recollected that mere hours before the accident they went to church.

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